Ordering a sizing kit for a Galaxy Ring will put a pre-authorization hold for the price of a ring on your payment method.
To update the size of your ring after placing an order, visit the My Orderspage to confirm your size. You will have up to 60 days after placing your order to select your ring size and complete your order.
Our Support Team cannot remove pre-authorization holds.
You may see a pre-authorization or payment hold on your payment method's account after placing an order on Samsung.com or the Shop Samsung app.
A hold on your payment method is an important step to process and fulfil your order. This pre-authorization hold is a standard process to reserve credit or funds for the moment the transaction is eventually completed and a payment method is charged. Please note, an authorization hold is not a charge and will not remove funds from your account.
What happens when the pre-authorization period ends?
Samsung will release the hold of these funds so your financial institution can approve the transaction, only then officially charging your payment method. The actual time that it may take for the funds to be released depends on your financial institution. It may take up to seven days for full release.
Why do I still see a pending charge after canceling an order?
We release pre-authorization holds immediately after an order has been canceled, but it may take your financial institution up to five days to release the hold. Please note that our Order Support team does not have a method to expedite this process.