Orders are shipped in time to meet the Expected Delivery Dates provided during checkout, on My Orders, and in the order-related e-mails we send. The latest delivery dates are displayed on either the My Orders page and, if it’s shipped, on the carrier’s website.
For Large TV and Home Appliance orders, we’ll still ship in time to meet your scheduled delivery date. If we are unable to meet that time for any reason, we’ll keep you updated along the way via e-mail and provide an opportunity to reschedule your delivery once we know the earliest possible delivery date.
Please note: If your Large TV or Home Appliance has already been shipped to a delivery partner, they’ll be the best point of contact to finalize your delivery window or reschedule your delivery date.
RXO: 1-800-883-4593 or lastmileorders@rxo.com
AGS (Associated Global Systems): https://www.agsystems.com/contact-us/